Detoxification Blog Archives...
I started reading the book "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Detoxing Your Body" by Delia Quigley. I have determined that I must fit the idiot bill, because I am finding a lot of information I haven't run across before! First of all, I thought that the author made a great point about our Standard American Diet (SAD) eating habits - The SAD diet is...a processed and health-degenerating series of meals consumed more for entertainment than for nutrient value. the SAD diet is high in saturated animal fats and refined carbohydrates, possibly fried and/or covered with lots of cheese, or containing large amounts of sugar. These foods are low in fiber and are difficult to eliminate from the bowels. Thus, you are what you don't eliminate. This can also cause serious cellulite to form on your thighs and buttocks, but that is the least of your worries. The point that hit home with me was the comment that we only eat for entertainment. We have become a society that only does things for the hope that it will bring us some pleasure. I can tell you from experience that when your diet changes to whole, healthy foods, there is much more satisfaction from what you eat then when the body is only getting chemicals and non nutritious foods and drinks. This is a continuation of the information from yesterday about sugar. Delia Quigley gives her own list of six major food culprits that create internal organ stress:
* Refined wheat flour; cakes, cookies, pasta and bread
* Pasteurized dairy: milk, cheese, and yogurt
* Refined sugar in all forms
* Caffeine: coffee, chocolate, tea and soda pop
* Alcohol: beer wine, hard liquor
* Artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers
I agree with the majority of items on this list except for yogurt and tea. I think that if you find a plain organic yogurt and the right kinds of tea (green, herbal), you can get a lot of health benefits from them. The other items on the list all have the potential to weaken your body, which opens it up to all forms of illnesses. Our body can only do its job for so long when we do not provide it with the nutrients it needs to function.
I am finding great information in the book "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Detoxing Your Body" by Delia Quigley. Quigley makes the following statement about how the Standard American Diet (SAD) is compromising our health:
We are currently in the 5th generation of people eating a refined food diet. The mounting evidence reveals health problems with anxiety, obesity, hypogycemia, diabetes, autoimmune disease, and an overgrowth of candida albicans topping the list. In other words,fast food can quickly make you sick.
Our children are suffering from ailments that were once only seen in adults, such as, type 1 diabetes, osteoporosis, and autoimmune disorders. Quigley also gives a list of the top 10 worst foods that we can eat (and 30% of American's diets are derived from this list):
* French fries
* Donuts
* Potato and corn chips
* Pop
* Snack Cakes
* Candy and granola bars
* Fast food burgers
* Fat free cookies
* Bagels
* Pretzels
French fries and ketchup are the top two vegetables consumed by children today - I don't think they should be in the vegetable category at all. This list could be even more extensive - if you look at many of the processed foods that we eat, the majority of them contain corn syrup and artificial preservatives. We are no longer eating real food. If our cars were fueled with gas mixed with corn syrup and fillers, we would find a lot of cars on the side of the road needing an intervention. The same thing happens to our body over time when we aren't providing it with real food and nutrients. If you are looking for a health goal - try to eliminate the top ten foods on the list above, and if you want to kick it up a notch, get rid of corn syrup, too.
I have a couple of more topics from the book "The Idiot's Guide to Detoxing your Body" by Delia Quigley. She discusses some of the effects that can be associated with having food intolerances and sensitivities. This tends to be one of the most prevalent issues that I see with my clients. She looks at how lactose intolerance can increase susceptibility to numerous ailments. The top culprits for food sensitivities are wheat, corn and corn products, soy, dairy, additives, and chocolate. If you have lactose intolerance plus other food sensitivities, you may be suffering from items on the list below, but also numerous other health concerns. According to Quigley - lactose intolerance can affect your health in the following ways:
* allergic reaction causing bloating, gas, indigestion
* repeated infections of the ears, lungs, and sinuses
* overabundance of mucus
* asthma
* irritable bowel syndrome
* aggravation of autoimmune diseases
* formation of cysts and lumps in thyroid and breasts
When we continue to eat the foods that we are sensitive to, we can also further compromise our digestive tract, leading to severe leaky gut syndrome, which can cause more sensitivities and issues. The gut affects our immune, nervous and emotional systems, so when it is out of balance, so are we. There are numerous things that can be done to strengthen the gut - cut out the offending foods, check for bacterias, fungus, parasites, viruses, etc. and give the gut the nutrients it needs. We cannot continue to eat the Standard American Diet and hope to be healthy.
Once again, I have info from the book "The Idiot's Guide to Detoxing the Body" by Delia Quigley. Today the topic is sugar - I know that I have focused on this topic in numerous other blogs, but it is an important topic for health. According to Quigley, on average, we are consuming 40 teaspoons of sugar per day (this could be ingested as corn syrup). Sugar consumption contributes to numerous health concerns, including the following list from the "Detoxing Your Body" book:
* irritable bowel syndrome
* gall/kidney stones
* cancer
* heart disease
* hypoglycemia
* insulin resistance
* tooth decay
* diabetes
* skin rashes
* obesity
* arthritis
* aging skin
* candida
The problem with sugar is that it is a food that lacks in any nutrients, and only provides calories to our diets. This causes us to eat more food to try to get the nutrients that we need. Quigley states that, "Your pancreas is designed to handle, in a lifetime, the amount of sugar that most Americans consume in a single month." Should it come as any surprise that adult onset diabetes now begins in childhood in alarming numbers? It is said that our children will be the first generation with a shorter lifespan with more illness than their parents. Fortunately, we can change this trend by improving our diets -eating real food, organic foods that do not come with a label. Try this for a week, and see if you can see an improvement in your health. I was on vacation for a week, not eating very healthy, and I can tell the difference in my energy level and how I feel -both decreased. That was after only one week, and I wasn't eating horribly. Food makes a difference in health.
Today's topic - the liver. According to the "Detoxing Your Body" book by Delia Quigley, "The liver has been assigned over 400 tasks on a daily basis". It is astounding to think of what this one overlooked organ does for us. Delia Quigley gives a few examples of what the liver does for us below:
* Removes bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites from the bloodstream
* Metabolizes drugs, chemicals, pesticides, and hormones
* Manufactures 13,000 different enzymes
* Produces cholesterol
* Eliminates excess estrogen
* Regulates blood sugar
* Manufactures bile
* Breaks down old red blood cells
The majority of people that I test have livers that are stressed. This includes the children that I test. We are now exposed to so many chemicals and non foods that our liver does not know how to process, and it cannot keep up with all that it is exposed to. When your liver is not able to break down all of the toxins it tries to process, these toxins are then stored in the fat. This causes issues with overall metabolism. The liver is an organ that assists with fat-burning, and if it is not working at an optimum level, the metabolism is lowered. According to Quigley, "Overeating sugar and high-fat or refined foods is a major cause of this problem." It is more and more common to hear of people being diagnosed with a fatty liver. This is a problem that resembles the liver issues that someone who drinks heavily would have. Diet is a contributing factor to liver issues. When beginning a detox program, it is generally a good idea to see if the liver needs some support or the detox can weaken the system.Artificial sweeteners - according to the book "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Detoxing Your Body" by Delia Quigley (this will be my last day on this book - there was a lot of good info!), we consume these sweeteners in soft drinks, numerous packaged foods and almost anything that states that it is low fat or sugar free. Artificial sugars can be found under the names of aspartame, Nutra Sweet, Splenda and Equal. A new player is called Truvia which is supposedly a natural sweetener. Somehow the manufacturers were able to take Stevia, which is a natural herb, and turn it into something that is unnatural. In my testing, it appears to be stressful to people's systems. I am going to also put high fructose corn syrup in the category of artificial sweeteners, because that is how our bodies treat it. Our livers do not know how to process it. In Quigley's book, she lists the following side effects of consuming artificial sweeteners:
She also states that "What makes it (aspartame) so deadly to the body is that 10 percent of aspartame is made up of methanol/wood alcohol, which is a deadly poison. Methanol breaks down into formic acid and formaldehyde int he body. Formaldehyde is a deadly neurotoxin known to destroy brain cells." The EPA states that methanol is a cumulative poison - this means that it is going to build up in the system, because it is not easily excreted.
The alternatives to artifiical sweeteners are cane or brown sugar (in small quantities), Stevia (the real herb), agave syrup, maple syrup and more. Check out your organic foods section for other options. We are a society that consumes way too many sugars, but turning to artificial sweeteners as an alternative is not a healthy choice.
Detoxification- definitely a buzz word right now. Our bodies are designed to remove toxins and to keep us running smoothly. In the last hundred years, we have changed our environment so significantly, that our bodies can't keep up with all of the toxins that we throw at it. By noon each day, we can potientially be exposed to hundreds of chemicals from beauty and cleaning supplies, car exhaust and chemicals in our foods. In addition, our foods are no longer nutrient dense, so we don't have the fuel we need to detox our bodies efficiently. Thus, we see the increase in once unknown diseases, such as, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrom, irritable bowel syndrome, multiple sclerosis and more. On top of the physical diseases, there is a huge increase in mental health issues - including depression, behavioral issues and Alzheimer's disease. An example of what toxins can do is demonstated in the book The Ultramind Solution by Dr. Mark Hyman. (Keep in mind that this is one toxin that our body has difficulty removing - there are thousands of other toxins that can also cause issue.) "When your brain can't detoxify mercury, the mercury accumulates there over a lifetime. This mercury may come from many sources, including vaporization of dental fillings, environmental exosures, tuna fish, or air pollution. Wherever it come from, the effect can be severe. In one study of 465 patients with chronic mercury toxicity, 32 percent had severe fatigue, 88 percent had memory loss, and almost 30 percent had depression." How do we improve our detoxification pathways so all of these chemicals are not building up? We need to strengthen our organs of elimination - the lymphatic system, the liver, the skin, kidneys and more. We need to improve our digestion and give our bodies the nutrients that it needs. It is a process that requires us to take a look at what we put in and on our bodies.
The next topic for overall health is detoxification. When I talk about detoxing, I refer to something different than doing an all out body flushing or colon cleanse. Detoxing shouldn't overly stress the system. The best option is to assist the body in detoxing everyday. This means eating whole, healthy foods and drinking water. We are exposed to many chemicals and toxins everyday, and we also eat so many chemicals and additives in our foods. Our organs of elimination cannot keep up with this unless we give them a break and choose foods that assist with elimination. Instead of fasting, I recommend making a goal of eating only whole foods for a few days (fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, healthy fats and protein) and eating in moderation. It is also important to drink plenty of water (half your body weight in ounces each day). I recommend eliminating gluten products (wheat, rye, barley and more), sugars and corn syrup and soy products for those few days. Many people also benefit from not eating dairy. After those few days are over, slowly add in some of the foods that you eliminated and see how you feel. If you are sensitive to a food, it can take a day or two for symptoms to show up (fatigue, headaches, achiness, sinus issues, etc.). If you are sensitive to a food, avoid that food as much as possible, until your system is stronger. When I work with clients, I try to peel off layers of toxins that are in the system, so as not to make the body work harder than it already is, along with supporting the organs of elimination. We all carry toxins in our bodies, and generally the more illness or aches and pains that we have, the more toxins our bodies are unable to eliminate. This is a great time to try to eat healthier because fresh fruits and vegetables are abundant. Eating locally grown, pesticide free produce is a great benefit to the body and its detoxification system.
I started reading the book "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Detoxing Your Body" by Delia Quigley. I have determined that I must fit the idiot bill, because I am finding a lot of information I haven't run across before! First of all, I thought that the author made a great point about our Standard American Diet (SAD) eating habits - The SAD diet is...a processed and health-degenerating series of meals consumed more for entertainment than for nutrient value. the SAD diet is high in saturated animal fats and refined carbohydrates, possibly fried and/or covered with lots of cheese, or containing large amounts of sugar. These foods are low in fiber and are difficult to eliminate from the bowels. Thus, you are what you don't eliminate. This can also cause serious cellulite to form on your thighs and buttocks, but that is the least of your worries. The point that hit home with me was the comment that we only eat for entertainment. We have become a society that only does things for the hope that it will bring us some pleasure. I can tell you from experience that when your diet changes to whole, healthy foods, there is much more satisfaction from what you eat then when the body is only getting chemicals and non nutritious foods and drinks. This is a continuation of the information from yesterday about sugar. Delia Quigley gives her own list of six major food culprits that create internal organ stress:
* Refined wheat flour; cakes, cookies, pasta and bread
* Pasteurized dairy: milk, cheese, and yogurt
* Refined sugar in all forms
* Caffeine: coffee, chocolate, tea and soda pop
* Alcohol: beer wine, hard liquor
* Artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers
I agree with the majority of items on this list except for yogurt and tea. I think that if you find a plain organic yogurt and the right kinds of tea (green, herbal), you can get a lot of health benefits from them. The other items on the list all have the potential to weaken your body, which opens it up to all forms of illnesses. Our body can only do its job for so long when we do not provide it with the nutrients it needs to function.
I am finding great information in the book "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Detoxing Your Body" by Delia Quigley. Quigley makes the following statement about how the Standard American Diet (SAD) is compromising our health:
We are currently in the 5th generation of people eating a refined food diet. The mounting evidence reveals health problems with anxiety, obesity, hypogycemia, diabetes, autoimmune disease, and an overgrowth of candida albicans topping the list. In other words,fast food can quickly make you sick.
Our children are suffering from ailments that were once only seen in adults, such as, type 1 diabetes, osteoporosis, and autoimmune disorders. Quigley also gives a list of the top 10 worst foods that we can eat (and 30% of American's diets are derived from this list):
* French fries
* Donuts
* Potato and corn chips
* Pop
* Snack Cakes
* Candy and granola bars
* Fast food burgers
* Fat free cookies
* Bagels
* Pretzels
French fries and ketchup are the top two vegetables consumed by children today - I don't think they should be in the vegetable category at all. This list could be even more extensive - if you look at many of the processed foods that we eat, the majority of them contain corn syrup and artificial preservatives. We are no longer eating real food. If our cars were fueled with gas mixed with corn syrup and fillers, we would find a lot of cars on the side of the road needing an intervention. The same thing happens to our body over time when we aren't providing it with real food and nutrients. If you are looking for a health goal - try to eliminate the top ten foods on the list above, and if you want to kick it up a notch, get rid of corn syrup, too.
I have a couple of more topics from the book "The Idiot's Guide to Detoxing your Body" by Delia Quigley. She discusses some of the effects that can be associated with having food intolerances and sensitivities. This tends to be one of the most prevalent issues that I see with my clients. She looks at how lactose intolerance can increase susceptibility to numerous ailments. The top culprits for food sensitivities are wheat, corn and corn products, soy, dairy, additives, and chocolate. If you have lactose intolerance plus other food sensitivities, you may be suffering from items on the list below, but also numerous other health concerns. According to Quigley - lactose intolerance can affect your health in the following ways:
* allergic reaction causing bloating, gas, indigestion
* repeated infections of the ears, lungs, and sinuses
* overabundance of mucus
* asthma
* irritable bowel syndrome
* aggravation of autoimmune diseases
* formation of cysts and lumps in thyroid and breasts
When we continue to eat the foods that we are sensitive to, we can also further compromise our digestive tract, leading to severe leaky gut syndrome, which can cause more sensitivities and issues. The gut affects our immune, nervous and emotional systems, so when it is out of balance, so are we. There are numerous things that can be done to strengthen the gut - cut out the offending foods, check for bacterias, fungus, parasites, viruses, etc. and give the gut the nutrients it needs. We cannot continue to eat the Standard American Diet and hope to be healthy.
Once again, I have info from the book "The Idiot's Guide to Detoxing the Body" by Delia Quigley. Today the topic is sugar - I know that I have focused on this topic in numerous other blogs, but it is an important topic for health. According to Quigley, on average, we are consuming 40 teaspoons of sugar per day (this could be ingested as corn syrup). Sugar consumption contributes to numerous health concerns, including the following list from the "Detoxing Your Body" book:
* irritable bowel syndrome
* gall/kidney stones
* cancer
* heart disease
* hypoglycemia
* insulin resistance
* tooth decay
* diabetes
* skin rashes
* obesity
* arthritis
* aging skin
* candida
The problem with sugar is that it is a food that lacks in any nutrients, and only provides calories to our diets. This causes us to eat more food to try to get the nutrients that we need. Quigley states that, "Your pancreas is designed to handle, in a lifetime, the amount of sugar that most Americans consume in a single month." Should it come as any surprise that adult onset diabetes now begins in childhood in alarming numbers? It is said that our children will be the first generation with a shorter lifespan with more illness than their parents. Fortunately, we can change this trend by improving our diets -eating real food, organic foods that do not come with a label. Try this for a week, and see if you can see an improvement in your health. I was on vacation for a week, not eating very healthy, and I can tell the difference in my energy level and how I feel -both decreased. That was after only one week, and I wasn't eating horribly. Food makes a difference in health.
Today's topic - the liver. According to the "Detoxing Your Body" book by Delia Quigley, "The liver has been assigned over 400 tasks on a daily basis". It is astounding to think of what this one overlooked organ does for us. Delia Quigley gives a few examples of what the liver does for us below:
* Removes bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites from the bloodstream
* Metabolizes drugs, chemicals, pesticides, and hormones
* Manufactures 13,000 different enzymes
* Produces cholesterol
* Eliminates excess estrogen
* Regulates blood sugar
* Manufactures bile
* Breaks down old red blood cells
The majority of people that I test have livers that are stressed. This includes the children that I test. We are now exposed to so many chemicals and non foods that our liver does not know how to process, and it cannot keep up with all that it is exposed to. When your liver is not able to break down all of the toxins it tries to process, these toxins are then stored in the fat. This causes issues with overall metabolism. The liver is an organ that assists with fat-burning, and if it is not working at an optimum level, the metabolism is lowered. According to Quigley, "Overeating sugar and high-fat or refined foods is a major cause of this problem." It is more and more common to hear of people being diagnosed with a fatty liver. This is a problem that resembles the liver issues that someone who drinks heavily would have. Diet is a contributing factor to liver issues. When beginning a detox program, it is generally a good idea to see if the liver needs some support or the detox can weaken the system.Artificial sweeteners - according to the book "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Detoxing Your Body" by Delia Quigley (this will be my last day on this book - there was a lot of good info!), we consume these sweeteners in soft drinks, numerous packaged foods and almost anything that states that it is low fat or sugar free. Artificial sugars can be found under the names of aspartame, Nutra Sweet, Splenda and Equal. A new player is called Truvia which is supposedly a natural sweetener. Somehow the manufacturers were able to take Stevia, which is a natural herb, and turn it into something that is unnatural. In my testing, it appears to be stressful to people's systems. I am going to also put high fructose corn syrup in the category of artificial sweeteners, because that is how our bodies treat it. Our livers do not know how to process it. In Quigley's book, she lists the following side effects of consuming artificial sweeteners:
- headaches
- rashes
- seizure
- depression
- gastrointestinal symptoms
- memory loss
- blurred vision
- slurred speech
- neurological disorders
She also states that "What makes it (aspartame) so deadly to the body is that 10 percent of aspartame is made up of methanol/wood alcohol, which is a deadly poison. Methanol breaks down into formic acid and formaldehyde int he body. Formaldehyde is a deadly neurotoxin known to destroy brain cells." The EPA states that methanol is a cumulative poison - this means that it is going to build up in the system, because it is not easily excreted.
The alternatives to artifiical sweeteners are cane or brown sugar (in small quantities), Stevia (the real herb), agave syrup, maple syrup and more. Check out your organic foods section for other options. We are a society that consumes way too many sugars, but turning to artificial sweeteners as an alternative is not a healthy choice.
Detoxification- definitely a buzz word right now. Our bodies are designed to remove toxins and to keep us running smoothly. In the last hundred years, we have changed our environment so significantly, that our bodies can't keep up with all of the toxins that we throw at it. By noon each day, we can potientially be exposed to hundreds of chemicals from beauty and cleaning supplies, car exhaust and chemicals in our foods. In addition, our foods are no longer nutrient dense, so we don't have the fuel we need to detox our bodies efficiently. Thus, we see the increase in once unknown diseases, such as, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrom, irritable bowel syndrome, multiple sclerosis and more. On top of the physical diseases, there is a huge increase in mental health issues - including depression, behavioral issues and Alzheimer's disease. An example of what toxins can do is demonstated in the book The Ultramind Solution by Dr. Mark Hyman. (Keep in mind that this is one toxin that our body has difficulty removing - there are thousands of other toxins that can also cause issue.) "When your brain can't detoxify mercury, the mercury accumulates there over a lifetime. This mercury may come from many sources, including vaporization of dental fillings, environmental exosures, tuna fish, or air pollution. Wherever it come from, the effect can be severe. In one study of 465 patients with chronic mercury toxicity, 32 percent had severe fatigue, 88 percent had memory loss, and almost 30 percent had depression." How do we improve our detoxification pathways so all of these chemicals are not building up? We need to strengthen our organs of elimination - the lymphatic system, the liver, the skin, kidneys and more. We need to improve our digestion and give our bodies the nutrients that it needs. It is a process that requires us to take a look at what we put in and on our bodies.
The next topic for overall health is detoxification. When I talk about detoxing, I refer to something different than doing an all out body flushing or colon cleanse. Detoxing shouldn't overly stress the system. The best option is to assist the body in detoxing everyday. This means eating whole, healthy foods and drinking water. We are exposed to many chemicals and toxins everyday, and we also eat so many chemicals and additives in our foods. Our organs of elimination cannot keep up with this unless we give them a break and choose foods that assist with elimination. Instead of fasting, I recommend making a goal of eating only whole foods for a few days (fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, healthy fats and protein) and eating in moderation. It is also important to drink plenty of water (half your body weight in ounces each day). I recommend eliminating gluten products (wheat, rye, barley and more), sugars and corn syrup and soy products for those few days. Many people also benefit from not eating dairy. After those few days are over, slowly add in some of the foods that you eliminated and see how you feel. If you are sensitive to a food, it can take a day or two for symptoms to show up (fatigue, headaches, achiness, sinus issues, etc.). If you are sensitive to a food, avoid that food as much as possible, until your system is stronger. When I work with clients, I try to peel off layers of toxins that are in the system, so as not to make the body work harder than it already is, along with supporting the organs of elimination. We all carry toxins in our bodies, and generally the more illness or aches and pains that we have, the more toxins our bodies are unable to eliminate. This is a great time to try to eat healthier because fresh fruits and vegetables are abundant. Eating locally grown, pesticide free produce is a great benefit to the body and its detoxification system.