Most people are under the impression that parasites only occur in distant parts of the world. Because of the small world phenomenom, you don’t have to travel to the tropics or third world countries to acquire parasites. Because of the misconception that we don’t have parasites in developed countries, many people and their physicians have overlooked the possibility of parasites as the cause of their illness. Some of the factors that have changed over the last century include:
Health experts believe that more than half of all Americans will at some point in their lives become a host to parasites.
Parasites live everywhere and are commonly transmitted to humans by walking barefoot, from insect bites, undercooked food, insect bites, water, and pets. The four main pathways are the following (according Louise Gittleman in Guess What Came to Dinner)
Infected food or water (sources of roundworm, amoeba, and giardia)
Via a vector, such as a mosquito (dog heartworm, malaria), a flea (dog tapeworm), housefly (amebic cysts) & the sand fly (leishmaniasis)
Sexual contact (trichomonas, giardia and amoeba)
Through the nose and skin (pinworm eggs and toxoplasma gondii can be inhaled from contaminated dust; hookworms, schistosomes & strongyloides can penetrate exposed skin or bare feet. The airplane can be considered another parasitic pathway in its own right because extensive foreign travel has exposed Americans to exotic diseases never before encountered in their homeland.
Parasite can cause any of the following symptoms in children and adults: Flatulence, abdominal bloating and pain, heartburn, constipation, anal itching, vomiting, bloody or mucous stool, diarrhea, mood swings, depression, nightmares, irritability, nervousness, spaciness, hyperactivity, teeth grinding, chronic fatigue, night sweats, weight loss, rashes, hives, abnormal itching, arthritis, allergy, crohn’s disease, colitis, food allergies, anemia, insomnia (some parasites are more active at night or on a full moon), vaginitis & autoimmune disorders. Symptoms may manifest anywhere in the body because parasites can occur anywhere in the body. The warning signs for parasites are also symptoms of other common illnesses, for this reason, parasitic infections are often misdiagnosed.
How Parasites Cause Damage:
Parasites destroy cells in the body faster than cells can be regenerated, thereby creating an imbalance that results in ulceration, perforation or anemia.
They produce toxic substances that are harmful to the body. This can result in pain and inflammation.
The presence of parasites irritates the tissues of the body, inducing an inflammatory reaction on the part of the host.
Some parasites invade the body by penetrating the skin. Other parasites may perforate or damage the intestinal lining leading to leaky gut syndrome and food sensitivities.
The presence of parasites depresses immune system functioning while activating the immune response. This can eventually lead to immune system exhaustion.
Parasite Detection
To determine what parasites are in the system, I of course recommend electrodermal screening. Because parasites go through many stages of development and are dormant at different times in their life cycle, stool samples and blood tests are not always reliable strategies for diagnosing parasites.
Parasite Removal
When doing a detoxification protocol for removing parasites, it is advised that at least half of your body weight in ounces of water is ingested daily. Cold water is not advised, because it can cause the intestines to contract which may hold on to the toxins in the system. Also, the body may need a reintroduction of friendly bacteria to help detoxify noxious substances, maintain proper pH, and act as natural antibiotics against infectious bacteria. This can assist the body in fighting against future invasions.
Please contact us if you are interested in finding out how Electrodermal Screening to identify parasites and find a protocol to eliminate them from the system.
Gittleman, Louise M.S., CNS, Guess What Came to Dinner. 2001
Also, go to www.doctoroz.com for more information about parasites and what you can do about them.
Most people are under the impression that parasites only occur in distant parts of the world. Because of the small world phenomenom, you don’t have to travel to the tropics or third world countries to acquire parasites. Because of the misconception that we don’t have parasites in developed countries, many people and their physicians have overlooked the possibility of parasites as the cause of their illness. Some of the factors that have changed over the last century include:
- A rise in international travel
- Increasing use of day care centers
- The return of armed forces from overseas
- Many refugee and immigrant populations coming from poor hygiene areas
- Increased popularity of exotic foods
- The use of antibiotic and immunosuppressive drugs
- Food on grocer’s shelves from all over the world
- Contaminated water
Health experts believe that more than half of all Americans will at some point in their lives become a host to parasites.
Parasites live everywhere and are commonly transmitted to humans by walking barefoot, from insect bites, undercooked food, insect bites, water, and pets. The four main pathways are the following (according Louise Gittleman in Guess What Came to Dinner)
Infected food or water (sources of roundworm, amoeba, and giardia)
Via a vector, such as a mosquito (dog heartworm, malaria), a flea (dog tapeworm), housefly (amebic cysts) & the sand fly (leishmaniasis)
Sexual contact (trichomonas, giardia and amoeba)
Through the nose and skin (pinworm eggs and toxoplasma gondii can be inhaled from contaminated dust; hookworms, schistosomes & strongyloides can penetrate exposed skin or bare feet. The airplane can be considered another parasitic pathway in its own right because extensive foreign travel has exposed Americans to exotic diseases never before encountered in their homeland.
Parasite can cause any of the following symptoms in children and adults: Flatulence, abdominal bloating and pain, heartburn, constipation, anal itching, vomiting, bloody or mucous stool, diarrhea, mood swings, depression, nightmares, irritability, nervousness, spaciness, hyperactivity, teeth grinding, chronic fatigue, night sweats, weight loss, rashes, hives, abnormal itching, arthritis, allergy, crohn’s disease, colitis, food allergies, anemia, insomnia (some parasites are more active at night or on a full moon), vaginitis & autoimmune disorders. Symptoms may manifest anywhere in the body because parasites can occur anywhere in the body. The warning signs for parasites are also symptoms of other common illnesses, for this reason, parasitic infections are often misdiagnosed.
How Parasites Cause Damage:
Parasites destroy cells in the body faster than cells can be regenerated, thereby creating an imbalance that results in ulceration, perforation or anemia.
They produce toxic substances that are harmful to the body. This can result in pain and inflammation.
The presence of parasites irritates the tissues of the body, inducing an inflammatory reaction on the part of the host.
Some parasites invade the body by penetrating the skin. Other parasites may perforate or damage the intestinal lining leading to leaky gut syndrome and food sensitivities.
The presence of parasites depresses immune system functioning while activating the immune response. This can eventually lead to immune system exhaustion.
Parasite Detection
To determine what parasites are in the system, I of course recommend electrodermal screening. Because parasites go through many stages of development and are dormant at different times in their life cycle, stool samples and blood tests are not always reliable strategies for diagnosing parasites.
Parasite Removal
When doing a detoxification protocol for removing parasites, it is advised that at least half of your body weight in ounces of water is ingested daily. Cold water is not advised, because it can cause the intestines to contract which may hold on to the toxins in the system. Also, the body may need a reintroduction of friendly bacteria to help detoxify noxious substances, maintain proper pH, and act as natural antibiotics against infectious bacteria. This can assist the body in fighting against future invasions.
Please contact us if you are interested in finding out how Electrodermal Screening to identify parasites and find a protocol to eliminate them from the system.
Gittleman, Louise M.S., CNS, Guess What Came to Dinner. 2001
Also, go to www.doctoroz.com for more information about parasites and what you can do about them.